Surgical Assistant Proposed Rule Changes

See summary below.  For full text, view the Texas Register September 27, 2013 issue, page  6489.

22 TAC §§184.2, 184.4, 184.8
The Texas Medical Board (Board) proposes amendments to §§184.2, 184.4 and 184.8, concerning Surgical Assistants.

The amendment to §184.2, concerning Definitions, adds definitions for”military service member,””military spouse” and “military veteran” based on the passage of Senate Bill(SB) 162 (83rd Regular Session) that amended Chapter 55 of the Texas Occupations Code.

The amendment to §184.4, concerning Qualifications for Licensure, adds language to subsection (c)(3), allowing for an expedited licensure process for military spouses, based on the passage of SB 162 (83rd Regular Session). New subsection (d) adds a provision for recognizing certain training for Applicants with military experience, based on the passage of SB 162 (83rd Regular Session).

The amendment to §184.8, concerning Expired Annual Registration Permits, corrects citations to other rules in subsection (g).